Thursday, May 7, 2009

Johnny Got His Gun 1

In the novel, the main character, Joe, just returned from war. He is in pretty bad shape, bandaged from head to toe, and he thinks he is deaf, unable to hear the sound of his own heartbeat. Joe keeps remembering certain events that occurred in the past. One of those is when he saw his father dead at his house, and the men carried him away. Both of Joe’s arms are amputated, and he has just woken up from being unconscious for some time. Joe compares this to drowning because he is struggling and can’t really do anything to relieve himself. The doctors are trying to cure him, but Joe is unable to help in anyway. Joe can’t move or see, being bandaged up, he has no arms, and he can’t hear. The only thing that Joe can really do is feel. Joe feels in a sense of distress, shock, and helplessness just as someone would feel if they were drowning.

1 comment:

anna steinbart said...

Good blog! Joe does wake up in pretty bad shape from probably being shot or something in the war. You described in detail how pained he felt and all of his injuries that he suffered. I liked what you said about comparing himself to drowning and him not being able to see or hear anything or use any of his other senses, but just feel. It seems that he would feel this same kind helplessness and weakness as if he were drowning.
Great job! :)