Sunday, April 12, 2009

Mona Lisa Smile 1

The film did a remarkable job of portraying the 1950’s. During this time period, family values were all relatively the same. The goal of most women was to marry young and have a family. They enjoyed cooking, cleaning, and pleasing their husband. The men of this time period were expected to provide the money for the family. Also, the men and women had a strict policy of waiting to have sex until after they were married.
As the 1950’s progressed, values shifted as well. Like Joan in the movie, women wanted to achieve a higher education instead of just becoming the normal housewife. Also, divorce was virtually unheard of during this time; however, more and more people began to get divorced as time grew on. Men and women wanted to break out of the mold that they had built for themselves. Women wanted to pursue a higher education and not have to worry about having dinner on the table at five.

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