Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Bell Jar 1

“It was a queer, sultry summer, the summer they electrocuted the Rosenberg’s, and I didn’t know what I was doing in New York.”

Esther is in a position that most girls would be envious over. She currently resides in New York and is attending college there. She is completing a one-month internship for a fashion magazine as well. Because she is working for the magazine, she gets a ton of great clothes and gets invites to all of the best parties. Aside from all of these great bonuses, Esther is not happy. For some reason, all she can think about is the Rosenberg’s. The Rosenberg’s were Communists that lived in the United States. The reason they were executed was because they took information about the atomic bomb and gave it to the Soviet Union in 1951. All of this just shows that Esther may not be enjoying her time in New York, and it may not be the best fit for her. After Doreen came home drunk and passed out, Esther realized that she was more conservative than Doreen and should be spending more of her time with the more reserved Betsy.


Abbey Mac said...

I liked how you talked about all of the wonderful things esther was getting, like the free clothes, makeup, and chance to work at a magazine, and she is still ungrateful. That was what i thought alot about when I read this line int he book also!

$E Money$ said...

This is a good post. I agree that she isn't having fun in New York. She should be having the time of her life but she is thinking about the Rosenberg's. I think you could've put a little more thought into the sentence itself. Like why would this be the first sentence in the book and what it foreshadows or says about the character. But besides that I have no other criticism on your post.

Good job