Sunday, October 26, 2008

Traveling across America by Horse

Eustace “had spent the better part of his life devising ways to break down walls and enter the consciousness of every kind of American.” (pg. 155) Eustace traveled all over America by several different means of traveling including by foot, hitchhiking, boxcars, and long drives. Eustace wanted to accomplish the feat of traveling across America again, except, he wanted it to be a bit more of a challenge. He decided that the best way to do this would be if he traveled by horse. Also, another reason that Eustace wanted to go on this journey was because he hoped to mend the relationship that he had with his brother. He wanted to become closer to Judson and become better friends.

At a point in his trip across the United States, Eustace and his brother, Judson, came into a conflict that was not resolvable. They came to a fork in the road. Eustace wanted to continue traveling along the highway even though it was a longer route. He wanted to do this because it was much safer. Judson and Susan wanted to travel through a rugged canyon. It would be much more dangerous, however it would be a shorter route and much more scenic. Later, they decided that Judson and Susan would go through the canyon, and Eustace would travel along the highway by himself. When they met up again, Eustace noticed that Judson and Susan’s horses were limping. From then on, whenever Judson disagreed with something that Eustace said, Judson would shut his mouth and simply bear it because if he did so, it would be a more peaceful journey.

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