Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Most humans have dreams that they are pursuing. Whether it be a dream that they are willing to die for or not, people still have goals that they want to accomplish in their lifetime. It is similar to Alexis de Toqueville’s essay, Why Americans are Restless. Humans are constantly chasing after a dream, but once they accomplish that dream, it is not as good as they thought it would be.
In The Great Gatsby, most of the characters die in pursuit of their dreams. This makes a person take a step back and wonder if these dreams are really worth dying for. Is it really worth pursuing these dreams when, in reality, accomplishing your dreams is not as gratifying as the chase? If Gatsby had not been murdered in the book, would he still say that it was worth it chasing after Daisy for all of those years?

1 comment:

Abbey Mac said...

Wow Abbey! I love that connection you made to Why Americans are so restless. I never even made that connection before until just now! Now that I think about it that is the best way to describe the great Gatsby and how busy everyone in it always is!
Great Job!