Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Life with Tea Cake

With Logan, Janie was expected to work in the fields to help Logan out, and she was expected to prepare meals and take care of the house. Logan even went as far as to buy Janie a mule, so she can help out with the fieldwork even more than she already was. Then, when Janie and Jody were together, Jody wanted Janie to stay in the house or the store all day. He said that women should not be out in the fields working. Plus, since Jody was the mayor of the town, he expected Janie to be Mrs. Mayor. In this role, Janie had to be refined, and she was never allowed to work outside or hang out with Jody and his friends. Finally, Janie stumbles upon Tea Cake. So far, Tea Cake has been the best husband. He reimbursed her when he took her money to buy his friends dinner. He also taught Janie how to shoot a gun and played checkers with her. Playing checkers with Janie was a big deal to her because checkers was considered a “man’s game,” so it was something she had never been allowed to do. Tea Cake treated Janie as an equal.

1 comment:

Erica Chavez said...

You gave some really good examples in the post that I failed to put in mine, like the mule Logan bought and Jody's desire to turn Janie into Mrs. Mayor. Janie starts working in the fields with Tea Cake just so they can be together all day, because of this respect and mutual love they have for each other. Tea Cake does treat her as an equal, and it's important to mention that he taught her how to shoot a gun and play checkers. He has been the best husband yet, by far.